Clinical Data Management (CDM)

Clinical data management at kinesis is driven by industry standards and truly confined to Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) guidelines. Our team makes sure that we employ best advanced technologies to minimize probable errors and issues in process of delivering data in quality. Even we at Kinesis focus on budget friendly ways to support our clients within stipulated budget.

What we offer:

  • CRF/eCRF Design and Development.
  • Data Management Plan (DMP) Development.
  • Customized Database Build & Design.
  • Data processing through Double Data Entry and Comparison.
  • Data Validation and Cleansing Specifications.
  • Data Quality Check and Review.
  • Data Export/Transfer.
  • CDASH Compliant Mapping and Deliverables.
  • On-shore and Off-shore Clinical Data Management Services.
  • Integration with client’s existing systems and processes.
  • Database Soft & Hard Lock and Export to SAS®.
  • Data Archival and Storage.
  • Data Discrepancy Management.